And then there's kale. Ahhh kale. I've tried to love you. I've put you in soup with sausage and white beans, made you into chips kissed with salt and cider vinegar, tried you raw. It's not working kale. I think we need an intervention.
I've gotten my husband and two kids to like broccoli (Melissa Clarke's Sesame-Cured Raw Broccoli Salad: ). They inhale Swiss chard ( And they like collards cooked low and slow with Truck Patch Farm bacon
But kale, you disappoint. Your flavor is too harsh, too green, two kaleish. They can sniff you out and turn up their noses in no time. And there is only so much kale one woman can eat before she admits defeat.
The other night I went to a meeting of a parent group trying to get the county schools to serve healthier lunches. As I was leaving my husband and kids were shouting suggestions of foods I should be lobbying for. The words that followed me out the door were these, "Whatever you do," my husband said, "don't tell them we need more kale."
Speaking of kale, I just made this lasagna on Saturday night with my buds and we loved it. The kale was so meaty, it was perfect for a vegetarian lasagna.